Jade face roller – do you know how to give a proper massage?

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Facial massages are becoming increasingly popular. They have anti-wrinkle effect, improve blood circulation and are able to eliminate skin imperfections. Manual massages are very simple but they do not give such effects as those performed with a special device such as jade roller. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to use it properly, because incorrectly used can bring effects opposite to intended. So, how to perform a massage with such a roller by yourself?

What is a jade roller for face?

Jade rollers are devices with one or two tips on which a stone is attached, allowing it to rotate around its own axis. The jade stone, according to Chinese medicine, rejuvenates and improves the condition of our skin. That is why it is highly valued in Chinese culture. It is considered a source of youth, vitality and longevity. Its healing properties have been known for a long time but only now it has gained popularity. In the past jade was used to treat hip and kidney pain

Nowadays, properly used jade is indeed able to improve the appearance of our complexion, but it is necessary to follow the guidelines.

The most popular model of jade rollers are those with two rollers – one smaller and the other much larger. It is with the use of this model that it is easiest and best to perform facial massage. This is because the smaller stone is much easier to reach, for example, under the eyes, while the larger one is better for massaging the forehead and cheeks.

How to prepare the facial skin for massage?

The first and most important step is to thoroughly and deeply cleanse your facial skin. Make sure to do makeup removal and our daily skin care before the massage. To perform jade massage it is best to use oils such as rose or tea oil, which will make it easier to glide the stone over the skin. Instead of oil, you can also use a moisturizing cream which will be massaged into the pores of your skin with the help of a roller. However, before performing such a massage one should not use any exfoliating acids or scrubs as this could significantly irritate the skin and make it look worse.

What effects does such massage give?

Treatment performed with jade roller improves blood circulation in our skin and increases its oxygenation. Moreover, a regular massage can eliminate wrinkles and sharpen facial contours. It eliminates puffiness around the eyes and tightens the skin. Additionally, according to Chinese beliefs it guarantees youth and vitality to our skin and restores balance and harmony

In addition, this treatment has a very relaxing effect and is very effective in combating stress. For the effects to be noticeable, you should perform such massages regularly. Much also depends on the condition of our skin and the way we take care of it, so you can not expect that the massager alone will work miracles and that after just one treatment we will see the effect.

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Jade Rollers. ??? £11 Dare I say it? Great #christmasgift idea? ???I have always incorporated these into my chakra realignment session as part of my 3rd eye energy massage. The feedback has been fabulous and my clients love it. apart from its obvious healing properties and effects, clients can not believe how gentle, soothing and cool it is. They wont stay this price for long, so if you want one get it now! ??? Using this ancient Chinese beauty tool helps to relax your face and body and improves blood circulation. It reduces stress, toxins, is anti aging and will reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Cool to touch, Jade carries a sweet, light and nourishing energy that feels very healing. Jade has a soothing energetic effect that purifies your energy in a loving, accepting and wise approach. The message of Jade is renewal, acceptance and love. ??? I’ve had such beautiful feedback from these. Perfect for lightly massaging clean skin or used as part of your beauty routine! I love mine. Each roller is cleansed and charged ready for use. – #crystalcariad #crystalhealing #healingcrystals #healingrocks #Preciousstones #healing #antiaging #wrinklefree #Jade #jaderoller #beauty #beatify #facemassage #bebeautiful

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How to do a jade roller massage in a few easy steps?

Jade massager owes its effect to the temperature the stone maintains, so to enhance its properties, you can put it in the freezer for a few minutes just before the massage, which will improve the effect of our treatment. The most important rule while performing the massage itself is to roll from the central part of the face outwards. It is best to start from the neck to open the lymphatic drainage channel. You should move the roller from top to bottom, from the chin to the neckline, then from the middle to the ears across our neck

Next, we perform movements from the chin to the edges of the jaw up to the ears, repeating the action under the nose and eyes, still applying the principle from the center to the edge. We should finish our massage on the forehead, where we also roll from the center to the temples. This treatment will be the most effective and will bring the fastest results.

Jade massager has undoubtedly become very popular and almost every celebrity has their own roller. This is not surprising. Massaging with this simple device is trivial and the effects are visible even after 2 weeks of regular use. However, it is worth remembering that everything depends on our individual predispositions and if such treatment does not give us pleasure, we do not have to do it at all costs

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