The best hairstyles for the summer heat. Our suggestions

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All winter long you’ve been dreaming of sun, tanning and relaxing on the beach, but now you’re annoyed by bangs or wet hair at the nape of your neck? You probably want to cut your long hair. But before you do, we show you which are the best hairstyles for the summer heat

The bubble ponytail

This hairstyle is simple yet stylish. You can do the bubble ponytail in 10 minutes, but it takes less time if you practice a little. Pull up half your hair and secure it with a clear elastic band. If you want to give the hairstyle more volume, don’t pull all the strands back on the top of your head. Next, take a section of your hair into a half-moon ponytail and wrap it around the clear elastic, be sure not to do it too tight. Next, take the rubber band under the ponytail (where it’s not visible) and pull a few strands through it so they stay in place. Remember not to wrap your hair too tightly at first. Once you’ve pulled the strands through the rubber band, you can pull it down to tighten it around the ponytail. You need to cover the rubber band completely and hide the remaining strands under the ponytail.

You can tug on it a bit to give it more volume. For the next “bubble”, repeat all the steps you did for the first one. Finally, pull on all the bubbles to loosen them up a bit and give them that special touch. Finally, spray with hairspray for a great hairstyle that lasts all day.

The Mermaid Braid

This is a great hairstyle for summer. Don’t worry if it looks like a complicated hairstyle. With just a little bit of practice, you can do it effortlessly.

Grab a section of hair and divide it in half, holding one section in each hand. Grab a small strand (the smaller, the more the braid will look like a mermaid’s tail) from the outside of the ponytail in your right hand, cross it over the top and connect it to the section in your left hand. Then cross a small strand from the left section and add it to the right side. Cross and connect each strand until you reach the ends. Now use a small terry cloth to secure the ends.

If you have tried the above technique but always end up with a strangely loose, limp braid, we recommend a little trick. Tie your hair into a ponytail before you start braiding. Once you have secured the ponytail, divide it into two equal strands and braid as usual. After braiding, carefully cut off or remove the elastic at the base of the ponytail.

Inverted Mermaid Braid

It may take a lot of trying, but the effort is worth it. If you dream of this hairstyle, you need to train your hands to intertwine the braid in the opposite direction. Instead of grabbing the strands at the front, pull them back, connecting them to the other part. If you want to make a nice loose braid, run a pomade through your hair before you start braiding it. This make-up remover makes brushing easier and gives your hair more shine.

Chignon on top of the Head (Half Chignon)

Pull all of your hair back and up. This will create a high ponytail. Now gather your hair into a sleek chignon on top of your head. Wrap a scrunchy around the ponytail leaving a few strands. Gather these strands and slip them back into the elastic to create a second bun, right behind the first. You can pin them together to secure the hairstyle.

Photo: Unplash/Gabriel Silverio

The semi-ponytail will work not only for everyday, but also for parties, meeting friends, and date night. It can be looser or more tame.

Dutch braid

This braided hairstyle is inspired by the classic braid but transformed into a boho style. It makes you stand out from the crowd. It also reflects your unique personality. The braid works equally well with a boho summer dress or a more rock chick look.

Divide your hair into two parts and tie one of them up. As for the other part, make a triangle and divide it into three sections. Bring the inner strand under the middle strand. Now pull the outer strand under the middle strand. Add a small amount of hair to the strands and flip again. Continue this technique, adding strands to each pass. Secure at the bottom with a terry cloth. Repeat the same steps with the other section. Gently flatten the braid and mist the remaining hair with hairspray. You may like to use a curling iron to curl your hair.

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