Smooth ponytail – how to make this hairstyle yourself?

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The ponytail is an extremely simple to make and at the same time versatile hairstyle. It suits both everyday and evening hairstyles. In addition, everything indicates that this hairstyle will never go out of fashion. Recently, the world has gone crazy about a completely sleek ponytail, which perfectly emphasizes the facial features. How to make it? Who will it suit? We invite you to read!

How to choose a ponytail for the shape of the face?

A well-made ponytail can emphasize facial features and even cover up some imperfections. The key is to match the hairstyle to the shape of our face. People with an oval face shape will look good in a sleek ponytail. If you want your features to look more harmonious, opt for a middle parting.

For a face with sharp features and a square or rectangular shape, a ponytail with loose strands released at the sides will be ideal. For people with a triangular face shape, a parting on the side of the head will look good.

What height of the ponytail to choose?

The height at which to place the ponytail depends on the density of our hair. Owners of thick and lush hair can afford to tie it on the very top of the head, like Ariana Grande. People with thin hair may look unfavorable in such a hairstyle. The most universal is the height at the level of the ears. Such a hairstyle always looks great. Owners of straight hair will look good in a tie just above the nape of the neck.

How to increase the volume of a ponytail?

The best way to add volume to your ponytail is, of course, teasing. However, it’s worth saving it for special occasions, as backcombing unfortunately severely damages the hair. For everyday use, it’s worth using a different, much simpler trick. Divide your hair into two sections: the first upper section from the forehead to the crown, and the second lower section from the crown. You tie both sections into two ponytails as close together as possible. Then you tie them together by twisting the elastic into a figure-eight. If you want to add even more volume to your hair, you can curl or wavy it.

How to make a sleek ponytail step by step?

Start combing a sleek ponytail by blow-drying your hair, then using a strong fixing gel, comb your hair smoothly against your skin so that even the most unruly strands stay close to your head. Tie your hair into a ponytail as tightly as you can, taking care not to leave any loose strands. Separate a section of hair and wrap it around the ponytail so that it completely covers the elastic band, and secure it with bobby pins. If you want a completely smooth ponytail, help yourself with a flat iron.

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